About Me

Drawing from over 18 years of practical experience in diverse roles spanning academia, administration, and technology, I am enthusiastic about leveraging this extensive background to enhance the value I contribute to my organization.
As a Ph.D. holder in Communication and media Studies, my fervor for teaching and proficiency in IT complement my dedication to serving the institution I am a part of. I am committed to fostering continual growth by actively collaborating with the institution’s team, driving advancements in work productivity, and nurturing a culture of knowledge enhancement.

Life through my Lens

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Beyond the Horizon

Great Quotes

In the garden of life, love is the flower, happiness is its fragrance, strength is the sturdy stem, and hope is the promise of countless blooms.

Maya Angelou

Love is the key to unlocking the door of happiness, the strength that fortifies our hearts, and the hope that whispers, ‘Tomorrow will be even brighter.

Helen Keller

Love fuels happiness, provides strength in times of need, and kindles the flame of hope that forever dances in our hearts.


Love is the poetry of the senses, happiness is the rhythm of the heart, strength is the fortress of the soul, and hope is the eternal sunrise of the mind.


In the vast expanse of life, love is the guiding star, happiness is the melody of existence, strength is the unwavering anchor, and hope is the eternal Russian winter, promising the rebirth of spring.

Leo Tolstoy

Love, the silent language of the heart, orchestrates the symphony of happiness. Strength, the quiet resolve within, weaves the tapestry of endurance. Hope, the eternal Russian soul, kindles the flame that never fades.

Anton Chekhov

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UAE +971507675202

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